Everything DiSC Introduction

Everything DiSC® on Catalyst™ is a personal development learning experience that equips people with the social and emotional know-how for more effective interactions at work—no matter who or where they are

Everything DiSC® – The Culture Catalyst™ DiSCOVER THE POWER OF WE™

  • Start your organization on the path from personalized insight to culture change
  • Unlock engagement, inspire collaboration and ignite cultural transformation
  • Improve workplace culture with personalized insights – inspire behavior change

Everything DiSC® is an assessment-based, personal development learning experience that measures an individual’s preferences and tendencies based on the DiSC® model.

This tool helps increase self-awareness, inspire appreciation of others, and foster effective collaboration in the workplace. A simple yet powerful model that describes four basic styles: D, i, S, and C, and serves as the foundation for the Everything DiSC Application Suite. Participants receive personalized insights that deepen their understanding of self and others, making workplace interactions more enjoyable and effective. The result is a more engaged and collaborative workforce that can spark meaningful culture improvement in your organization.

The Everything DiSC® Difference

Everything DiSC® connects people on a human level to deliver “A-ha!” moments that transform workplaces from talented individuals into collaborative, thriving cultures.

Built on a Foundation of Research and Rigor: Provides a trustworthy assessment with strong psychometric properties, and prioritizes quality by using computer adaptive testing, global norming, and real-world testing.

Transformational Learning Experiences: Goes beyond the classroom with MyEverythingDiSC, a personalized mobile-friendly tool that helps participants use DiSC every day to connect better with their colleagues in real-time.

Simple but not Simplistic: Translates assessment results into a personalized, actionable narrative that makes behavior change tangible for the participant.

Customizable and Flexible: Each organization has unique needs. Everything DiSC® provides versatile tailoring features that allow you to easily design a customized program that’s right for your organization and time constraints. 

Expertise of a Trusted Advisor: With deep product expertise, Strategic HR Consultants will help you transform the Application Suite into impactful and customized solutions that work.

Powered by Wiley: Everything DiSC® is fueled by over 40+ years of assessment-backed expertise and 200+ years of publishing excellence.

Everything DiSC® offers end-to-end learning experiences that have an immediate and lasting impact on the performance of people and the cultures of organizations.

The Assessment:

Each Everything DiSC® personality assessment combines adaptive testing and sophisticated algorithms to deliver precise insights to each participant. These insights lay the groundwork for a personalized experience rich with moments that inspire behavior change.

The Profile:

The personalized content in the profile deepens self-understanding through the DiSC® model. People gain insight into their preferences and tendencies, learn more about relating to others and receive actionable strategies to help them improve their interactions and ultimately, their performance.

The Classroom:

The profile comes to life in a classroom experience that engages and educates. Easy-to-use facilitation tools, including scripted content, contemporary video, and impactful activities can be customized to meet the specific needs of your people and your organization.

The Follow-Up Tools:

A suite of follow-up resources makes lasting behavior change possible by keeping Everything DiSC alive in the workplace. Participants can go deeper into their DiSC style, get real-world tips for connecting with colleagues, and gain insight into their team’s or department’s DiSC culture.

Everything DiSC Solutions

Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™ is a classroom training and personalized learning experience that teaches participants to read the emotional and interpersonal needs of a situation and respond accordingly. 

See Sample Report.

💸 Prices Start at $135.00

Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict helps participants improve self-awareness around conflict behaviours. Rather than focus on a step-by-step process for conflict resolution, Everything DiSC Productive Conflict provides participants with techniques to curb destructive behaviours and effectively respond to conflict situations. 

See Sample Report.

💸 Prices Start at $108.00

Everything DiSC Work of Leaders® lays out a clear path for helping leaders at all levels make the connection between their DiSC® style and leadership. This all-inclusive classroom and online program approaches leadership as a one-to-many relationship. 

See Sample Report.

💸 Prices Start at $135.00

Everything DiSC Workplace® delivers a comprehensive, easily customizable workplace development solution to engage every employee—regardless of title or position, department or function—in building more productive and effective relationships at work. 

See Sample Report.

💸 Prices Start at $81.00

Everything DiSC® Management offers a customizable development solution proven to increase the effectiveness of anyone in a management role–whether managing direct reports or the relationship with their manager. A complete program of classroom training, and online pre-work. 

See Sample Report.

💸 Prices Start at $135.00

Everything DiSC® Sales puts the power of the DiSC model into the hands of salespeople and provides a dynamic tool for learning how to create customer-centric interactions for improved results. Sales-specific content, modular facilitations tools, and online tailoring features deliver an easy-to-customize development solution.

See Sample Report.

💸 Prices Start at $135.00

Unlock the Potential of Your People and the Power of Your Culture Today with the Everything DiSC® Application Suite

Everything DiSC & Design (as shown) is a registered trademark of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.